Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lost in the forest

A whiff of a familiar scent and touch that tells you a lot more

Than an entire website

Are things that allow me to travel back like a flip chart 

To an age free of appearances

Lost in a strange forest with no foot tracks to guide me

I grope my way through.


I hear the sound of broken twigs cracking under my feet like

A mad drummer out of rhythm

Endless series of cobwebs brush against my face, I stare

At the vicious spiders,

Dark, poisonous, and full of guile, they give me the creeps

But I move on braving them.


It’s pointless to think of cleanliness in this state, but still

I try to keep the cobwebs away

From my thoughts and that inner core of belief that keeps

Me going through anything

I close my eyes and do the flip chart; there I am back in the light

Here I am back in the light.

And I look back at the foot track I have created.


Thangjam Hindustani said...

Lovely poem Sam...keep it coming :)

wind traveller said... every forest...there are trees..who live alone and together..happily..and after every forest ends...there comes a little happy civilization...and lovely poem.. :)

Ad man - Mad man... said...

The goodness of a creative mind meets the realisations of a straightforward pragmatic. e-Age creeping in gives you that touch of today. Priceless.

loveena moses said...

If I could write too, I would have written something similar.. a flip between imagination and reality! Its FANTASTIC!! Don't stop here.. keep it going!!!

loveena moses said...

And your "about me" is hilarious!!! :-)

Rustic said...

To get lost in a forest is an Elf's dream and a Dwarf’s nightmare. That mad drummer's rhythm would urge him on...the Elf will emit light...he will urge the trees to speak...But a Dwarf...lost in a forest he remembers his caves...beautifully excavated...neat and clean...he searches for light...there is a sense of suspicion in him...even the creepers appear to him as some vicious reptile...he fights and gets more and more lost. These are myths...gone are those days...still we find ourselves fighting with dangerous Hydras and their tentacles...we love them we hate them...still in the midst of hustle and bustle we find ourselves in forests...we are easily lost... Valiant human knights think of their mythic hosts...and decide how they will face the hidden dangers of this unknown forest...

Navin Sigamany said...

Nicely crafted! I like the way both pleasure and pain are juxtaposed.

Mukesh Kumar said...

Nice use of the work ex, but frankly speaking I could hardly understand this poem. I won't mind being told more about the poem if the poet wishes to share his insight into it.